Saturday, December 17, 2016

My Christmas Book - Now .99 Cents

Under Western Skies, now .99 Cents
Great Christmas Reading – and all set out west

Give yourself a Christmas Present and for less than a buck. That’s right for five days, my book of 14 Western Christmas stories – Under Western Skies - is only .99 cents.
14 stories and 144 pages, plus a bonus chapter at the end from my western novel Commitment, 160+ pages in all and that’s a lot of reading for less than a dollar.
If you like Christmas and you like westerns, this is the book for you.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

The Book Sales - Oh The Sales

Thought I Would Walk Up On Top Of A Mountain To Update Things
Like every writer I know, we are ecstatic when sales take off and upset when they grow stagnant. However, that is the nature of selling books, a few good days, and some, well, I will only say, on days when I sell no books at all I wish I would not have checked the stats.

My latest two books, Interview with a Gunfighter 

Have stayed in the top 200 of their categories for several weeks. With three new books coming soon I have high hopes for the future. I have been told that when I reach ten books, I will see a steady uptick in sales – hope so.

Take a look at my Amazon Author Page here and read a few free samples. Click Here! 

Thanks for Reading!

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Free Western Short - Starting Tomorrow

Starting tomorrow and for the four days after that download my new short story FREE

That's right FREE.

Nine pages of western fiction, download and enjoy a quick 10 or 15 minute Western read. 


Friday, July 8, 2016

Under Western Skies

Yesterday was International Chocolate Day, and yes I did partake. Today is, Read A Christmas Story In July Day – preferably a tale from out west. And yes I made that up, and yes I just happen to have a book of Christmas Stories from out west. See it here – give it a look by clicking and reading the free sample. Stories from many time periods and for all ages.

Enjoy, and remember, only 169 shopping days until Christmas, and this book would make a wonderful early gift.


Saturday, June 11, 2016

Order The Books - Sell the Books

It's that time of year again. I made a rather big order of my books for distribution, this summer. I peddle these to local and area booksellers and take them with me on speaking engagements. 
We Got a Few Drops of Rain With a Very Nice Sunset Today

I like having the ability to sell books out of the trunk or a big box. Great chance to talk with readers. I sign all of these books, and my nonfiction books have a custom bookmark with them as well. I am looking at designing another bookmark for my westerns. Right now I just enclose a nice business card with web and blog sites, and a where to, for purchasing digital books. 

I Ordered Copies of All But My Two Young Adult Books
 Next Month for Those, as I have a Few Left From Last Purchase. 

All projects going very well right now looks like I will, at last, get my new book out - timeline now by the end of the month. After that, I have another historical fiction and a novella, a western that should follow relatively quickly. By then the snow will be in the air, and it will be time to get back to work on my nonfiction. 

That's about it for now - keep reading and keep writing.
That's Me In the Red Hat Speaking at Guernsey State Park Today
 to a Wonderful Group of About 80 People From the Wyoming Historical Society

Saturday, June 4, 2016

You Can Find Me Everywhere

I posted on my writing site last week that, “Lately I have been a bit dismayed at my book sale totals.”   Then the next week I sell more books than I have all month – go figure. Difficult to tell when a book might sell. I am not very good at self-promoting even if this site was built for that.
Here I Am - Not Working, Again. Paddle Boat in Branson Last Fall

With that in mind here are the links to my books, all are available in both softcover and as eBooks. Click a link and take a look, read the free preview and if you have kindle unlimited pick up any of my books for FREE. What a deal.

Speaking of promotion I can be found in many places, take a look at my twitter site, blogs, or on Google +

Twitter - @wyohistoryguy

The Gardens are Looking Fine

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Working Away - Even If I Am Too Slow

Seems to be a slow time for both my writing and publishing. Seems to me there was some old saying that went something like this, The hurrieder I go the behinder I get -  or something similar. That is the way I am feeling right now. I had a book scheduled for release the last day of February and it still is sleeping ZZZZZZZZZZ on my computer. I am getting closer, now hoping for an end of May, fingers crossed, release. 
Sometimes Old Looks Pretty Good

Meanwhile, keep on  reading, keep on writing and for me, keep on editing. 

Since hurrieder and behinder are not real words, I am sure spelling will not matter. Had no idea how to spell either. I think that old saying was on a napkin holder when I was growing up. 
Looks Like It Is Going To Be A Terrific Year For Wildflowers In Wyoming

Saturday, April 2, 2016

A Read to Remember Growing up in the 50s and 60s

At last, it is looking like spring, time for a good book to read on the deck, or if you have one, the front porch. If you grew up in the fifties or sixties, these are the books for you. They were written for kids or for grandparents to read to the grandkids, but make good quick reads for anyone with nostalgia for their growing up years, way back when. These are the first two of a planned series of five, which might turn into six.

Fast paced humorous reads, of growing up in the 50s.  Oh, but they are fiction, and that is the reason for a friendly but odd, Ghost in the first book and a mixed up Zombie in the second.
Click Here to take a look

Book 2 - Click here to take a look
Give them a read see if you can pick out the real from the, just for fun. By the way, the third book, due out this summer, has a couple of senior citizen vampires. As if we old people are not scary enough.

Available as books or eBooks and free with Kindle Unlimited. Take a look, read the free sample or download free with your unlimited subscription.
Click here to go to my Amazon Author's Site for all my books

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Selling the Books

So great to see my book of Christmas shorts still selling. I thought it might slow down but am grateful and surprised to see it still selling. It is not ranked as high as it was at one time (up to number 84),  but has climbed back into the top ten percent of all books selling of Amazon.

Click the link here -- Give it a read. Or read the free sample. 

Sunday, January 17, 2016

3 Books

Nothing says crazy like working on three books at the same time. 

I am either bored or unable to make a decision as to what to do next. At present, I continue to work on my non-fiction work dealing with the opening of the West, Fort Laramie, Oregon Trail, Indian wars. I am in my second run-through of my fiction book, Ghost of the Fawn, an Arapaho modern day tale. Then, as if I didn’t have enough to do, I started working, again, on my Wyoming history book. The book deals with the time period of the first tribes to 1900. It will be short and concise, a travel book, pick it up and read about Wyoming as you travel through the state. I am even considering making it in a size that it can be tucked in the glove box or into a back pocket.

Well, that’s it this week, two days of snow and a week of cold days. The photos on this post are all from this week, but I will admit that some were taken as I sat in my pickup. We did get out for one hour long hike. We are looking forward to a trip south but that is still a few weeks away. Now, maybe I should get that mystery I was working on a couple of years ago, it was pretty good and . . . 

Monday, January 11, 2016

Selling the Books

My nonfiction book,  on Guernsey State Park 

 and my western mystery, Commitment, are starting to sell again.

 Must have just been the, after Christmas book buying blues that slowed down the sales. 

See my Amazon site here.
 See my Amazon Authors site here

If you have not yet taken a look at my books, all available in soft cover and EBook,  please take a look - and thanks!

I am hoping for an early spring, already combing through the garden magazines in anticipation. 

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Book Sales - Up and Down

Book sales went pretty well for December. I guess that would be expected during the season of gift giving. They seem to have went flat now, also expected. But, I am selling some of my nonfiction - The Civilian Conservation Corps and the Building of Guernsey State Park- this week. Hope to see my fiction sales pick up again soon. 

Meanwhile, I write on. The YA novel (Historical Fiction) I have been working on has, of course, taken more time than I expected. Still hoping for an end of February release for, 
Ghost of the Fawn.

Need a good read? Click here and give one of my books a look. Thanks!

Have a Bully Good Weekend

Saturday, January 2, 2016

More to Read Next Year

I have always thought of myself as an avid reader. Now with the end of another year, I am reading more and more posts of what people read last year. I read 30-50 books a year, some of the posters read 100 plus. Now that is reading. All good writers read a lot, but I think, reading two books a week is exceptional.  I have always believed that good writing went hand in hand with reading, looks to be true.
Taking a break in the world famous Oregon Trail Ruts a mile from our place

This year, for the first time, I will attempt to keep track of my reading. Might not be as much as I want or believed, but I will keep track. I often spend hours in research for my nonfiction work, and that takes time, so I will need to find more time – somewhere.

Seems that quite a few writers also keep track of words wrote for the year. Something else I do not do, but I have tried. This year I will give it another shot.

There they are, two ideas for the New Year, not really resolutions, but I will give it a go. Looking at it maybe they are resolutions – oh well!

Need a good read here is the link to my five books?
 Need a good read here is the link

 I have a new mystery coming in February to be followed by, I hope, two other books this year. One is complete in its first draft, and one at about 10%.