Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Writing and Book Selling Update

The eBook give-a-way 2 weeks ago went pretty well. I am still waiting and hoping for the time when I will have enough followers to give away hundreds instead of dozens of books, but that time will come - hopefully. 

Spring Time Garden Time

With the nice weather, it is time to get out in the garden


I am hard at work on the third book in my Blade Holmes western mystery series. The weather has turned spring-like and we have enjoyed some outside time, seems that spring always rejuvenates my writing juices, and that's a good thing.

I have a new Facebook Author Page up and running - check it out here..

Get out and enjoy the weather, and read a good book this week. 

Saturday, February 17, 2018

My New Book is Out

It has been nearly a month since I posted here that my new book was finished. Now it is published. 

On Turning 70 – My newest book and my shortest one is out. It is a story of reflection on turning 70 years of age. The book is not only reflective but full of humor and nostalgia. If you are getting, as we used to hear, “up there in years,” give it a try, it’s a quick hour or hour and a half read. This one, like all of my books, is available in soft cover or as an eBook. Here is the link to the $1.99 eBook.

Monday, January 22, 2018

My Tenth Book is Finished

Book ten is complete, waiting for my review copies, should be here by the middle of the week. 

This one is quite a bit of an, off the rails, book for me. Hope it does well. 

More information to come.