Friday, March 20, 2015

Off to My Reader

My nonfiction book is complete and off to my first reader. Hope she likes it and doesn't have more than an hour or two worth of changes for me.

If all goes well, The Civilian Conservation Corps & the Building of Guernsey State Park - With Folktales and Stories of the Park, will be out in the next month or two.
Built by the Civilian Conservation Corps

Meanwhile my two young reader books, one a ghost story and one a zombie tale are finished and I am deep in the process of editing. Should have them both complete and off to a different first reader, two in fact in another month or so. 
Melvin the Ghost

Life is busy - more to come here soon. I failed to mention all three of these books will be available in both print and eBook. Can't wait.
Took time for a great hike today