Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Books and More Books

Merry Christmas, I hope all of you are well and enjoying the season. 

I have a new book scheduled for early February release, but it may be delayed as I might let someone else publish this one. It will still be available on my sites, just published elsewhere. 

On another note, I am now looking at three or four books from other writers to publish through my Old Trails Publishing site in the next year. I will only look at kids chapter books, westerns and historical nonfiction, but if you are interested, let me know. I am going to try to do one every quarter. If I think it is a worthy project we will take it on. Just so you know, this is not some scam, no cost, none, to the writer.  We will edit and format for Amazon and other outlets then publish in both softcover and as an eBook. Authors will be required to submit cover art and back cover text. 
Click a book to go to my Amazon Author's Page

More on this later - right now time to enjoy kids and grandkids.

My Neck of the Woods

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Buy Yourself a Book for Christmas

Fiction, Nonfiction, and Middle Reader Chapter Books. How could anyone need anything more?

Still time to order a book for Christmas, all available in softcover or as eBooks. 

Click on the books below to go to my Amazon Author's page. 

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Under Western Skies Moving up the charts

My new western is off to a great start. It has only been out a few days but is selling well and climbing up the charts.

This book,  Under Western Skies - 14 Tales of Christmas, is my second western and my fifth book.

I am very pleased with the way this one came out and happy to see it doing so well.
Give it a try today $1.99 for the eBook or $9.99 for the soft cover copy. 170 pages with 14 uplifting tales of Christmas in the west. 
Special deal if you purchase the book you can get the eBook for free – can’t beat that.

Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #137,108 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
·         #138 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Genre Fiction > Westerns > Short Stories
·         #2183 in Books > Literature & Fiction > Genre Fiction > Westerns

Click the link See all my books here 

My grandson and I both say thanks.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Book Sales In Australia

So far this month I am selling more of my western eBook (Commitment) in Australia than in the United States. Happy to have those buyers from down under. We spent a wonderful two weeks there a few years ago, and if I sell enough books for airfare, we would love to go again. Makes me feel good to be gaining some traction as an author in Australia. 

I have been considering writing a western set in Australia since our visit; now I am excited to get started. After the two projects, I am presently working on, of course.

Oh – I am selling quite a few copies of the physical book in the United States. Must be many people like myself that, at least occasionally, like to hold a book in their hands. I think, as a buyer, I am about 50/50 between books and eBooks. 
Elk on the Mountain 

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Commitment - the novel

My historical mystery western, Commitment, set in and around Fort Laramie, is now available as a book or eBook.
It took a few extra weeks, but I am pretty happy with the final. I had to make some changes on the cover and in the authors notes in the back plus I wanted to shorten it a bit, the soft cover is 350 pages, now all is well. Order it today as a soft cover book or eBook. 

I am now at the editing stage for my book of Christmas shorts, still hoping for November first release.
 Selling the books

Friday, September 18, 2015

Christmas Shorts

My book of Christmas stories in the west is nearly complete. Now for a title, and that has me stuck. The book came out about as I wanted, 30,000 or so, words with the15 short stories. It will be out for the Christmas season, I really like it and hope others will also. More news soon.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Great New Chapter Books - Just in Time for School to Start

School is starting and it’s time to get the kids reading again. Try these two wonderful kid’s adventure books. Melvin the E Street Ghost and Then Mike Said, "There's a Zombie in My Basement.
Stories centered around three ten-year-old boys and their summer adventures. Adventures where they may have met a ghost named Melvin and a mysterious unnamed Zombie.
Only scary in a humorous way, fast paced, the perfect books to get young students back into books. Available as easy reader soft cover books or eBooks for electronic readers. Great books to share reading with the kids.
Grandparents love reading to the grandkids and these books will give grandma and grandpa a chuckle or two also.
Reading level 4th grade – give them a try today. See all my books here.

Monday, August 10, 2015

.99 Cent EBook Sale

.99 cent sale for the next few days on my kids adventure, 

Then Mike Said, “There's a Zombie in My Basement” A Mike and Moose and Me Growing up Novel 

A fast paced children's chapter book adventure. This is one of a series, but there is no need to read in order.
Free with Kindle unlimited or 0nly .99 cents to purchase the EBook this week.

Get the kids reading before school starts or the grandparents reading to the kids this summer.4th grade reading level.
Order or read a sample by clicking the link below –

Looking for something else? See all four of my books here.


Monday, August 3, 2015

Book Sales - Thanks

All four of my books sold pretty well in July - thanks. Hope I can do that well in August. For me to average a couple of books a day for a month is a Yippie - Ki -Yi month.

I will have a new book of  - Christmas out west, stories coming out in October, a new kids book in January and a young adult mystery, I hope in March. No - I don't write that fast, all are complete or nearly so, but need a bunch of work yet before publication.

Here is link to my Amazon Author Page - buy a book today.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

At Last Some News

Still working but do have two of my kids books available on amazon. Will have my nonfiction book on the CCC ready to go next week. After that my western mystery, Commitment, will be in the mix hopefully after another two weeks.

The two kids books I have available are - Melvin the E Street Ghost and, Then Mike said, There's a Zombie in My Basement. These are the first two of my six-part, Mike and Moose and Me Growing up Novels. There you have it, my news for the day. How about a nice photo of yesterday's snow storm to end.

From Guernsey State Park today - five minute drive

Sunday, April 26, 2015

What's Next ?

Working on review copies now. I like the looks of all three and I believe all will be complete and ready for order by next week. It has been an interesting journey.

Next up my Wyoming Historical Fiction book - Commitment, as they say coming soon.

I will post photos and links when my nonfiction book on the CCC and the two kids books go live.
Looks to me like this gal is looking forward to the next book

Friday, March 20, 2015

Off to My Reader

My nonfiction book is complete and off to my first reader. Hope she likes it and doesn't have more than an hour or two worth of changes for me.

If all goes well, The Civilian Conservation Corps & the Building of Guernsey State Park - With Folktales and Stories of the Park, will be out in the next month or two.
Built by the Civilian Conservation Corps

Meanwhile my two young reader books, one a ghost story and one a zombie tale are finished and I am deep in the process of editing. Should have them both complete and off to a different first reader, two in fact in another month or so. 
Melvin the Ghost

Life is busy - more to come here soon. I failed to mention all three of these books will be available in both print and eBook. Can't wait.
Took time for a great hike today


Monday, January 5, 2015

Publishing Update

After putting aside a writing project I always have a difficult time getting back to it. I put a western novel, tentative titled, Commitment - A Blade Holmes Novel, several months ago. Since putting it away I finished a local history book and a children’s novella. I have also went back to work on another, nearly completed western, and wrote a half dozen short stories.

     What follows is the first few paragraphs of a short story from my, to be published this year, book of short western stories.

Heading West - A comical and whimsical look at travel on the Oregon Trail

Arlo Slug stuffed the front of his shirt back into his trousers, picked up his lunch bucket and whistled a tune as he walked out the front door of the Cleveland Ohio Iron Works. He’d been thinking about it for a long time and today was the day, the day to tell Isabelle his plan for the rest of their lives.
      “Oregon, Oregon,” Arlo shouted as he opened the front door of their, much in need of repair, house on E street.
      “Let’s go to Oregon, away from the city and the factory,” Arlo said.  
      Isabelle, somewhat surprised at Arlo's enthusiasm over something that they had never once talked about, smiled and said “and just what will we do when we get to Oregon, and how will we get there?”
     “Don’t worry, don’t worry,” Arlo answered, “I’ve got it all worked out. It’ll be easy, hardly no work at all. We just set up there on the wagon seat soaking up the sun shine, and in no time we’ll be in Oregon, hardly no work at all.”
     Seven weeks later it was spring and Arlo and Isabelle, well Arlo anyway, were ready to carry out Arlo's great plan. They tossed the last of their belongings atop a considerable pile of last minute, “we can’t get along without this,” climbed up on the weathered and cracked wooden seat of their old wagon and headed west.
      Lazy and Bones, their two ancient mules reluctantly pulled the overloaded, squeaking and creaking wagon to a roll. “Yes sir-ee,” Arlo shouted, “we’re headin' west, Oregon here come the Slugs”.
     Cleveland was not going to get him down, not any more, no sir, and no more shoveling coal in the Iron mill for Arlo Slug. Arlo’s mind raced and filled with happy thoughts of his soon to be new life.
     The wagon was a patchwork of tacks, nails, wire, rope and twine, a relic that Arlo loved and Isabelle hated. Much to the embarrassment of Isabelle, Arlo had painted, ‘headin' to Oregon’ in bright green on the wagons back board. Arlo daydreamed of the west as he held the reins and let the arthritic mules set their own pace.
      A loud, CRACK, snapped Arlo’s mind back into the present. “Two blocks from home, two blocks,” Arlo muttered to himself as he climbed from the wagon seat to the ground and surveyed the damage.
      The rear wheel on the right side of the wagon had snapped one of its wooden spokes, and now looked rather more oval than round. After a nearly two-hour delay and two new wheels, one lashed to the back of the wagon, just in case, and Arlo and Isabelle were off, again.

     Isabelle had fought with Arlo about this trip for weeks, finally given up a month ago, accepting the fact that they were going to Oregon. Now she reached through the knitting on her lap, patted Arlo on the knee and smiled as they rolled westward on a bright April morning. “Maybe this won’t be too bad,” she thought. But she was wrong!