Merry Christmas, I hope all of you are well and enjoying the season.
I have a new book scheduled for early February release, but it may be delayed as I might let someone else publish this one. It will still be available on my sites, just published elsewhere.
On another note, I am now looking at three or four books from other writers to publish through my Old Trails Publishing site in the next year. I will only look at kids chapter books, westerns and historical nonfiction, but if you are interested, let me know. I am going to try to do one every quarter. If I think it is a worthy project we will take it on. Just so you know, this is not some scam, no cost, none, to the writer. We will edit and format for Amazon and other outlets then publish in both softcover and as an eBook. Authors will be required to submit cover art and back cover text.

Click a book to go to my Amazon Author's Page

More on this later - right now time to enjoy kids and grandkids.
My Neck of the Woods |